With our state of the art packaging we can ensure that your new plant arrives in style. Before leaving, all plants are inspected, watered and pruned if necessary. Your new plant is bagged to keep the soil moist and to ensure that the soil stays in the pot not loose in the box. Then your plants are tissue, kraft paper wrapped or bagged and secured in place with natural biodegradable peanuts, you will be pleased.

Packing Area

Order Prep.


Natural pkg.
All plants for sale will vary in size, color, and leaf pattern. In the spring, plants are often smaller than plants shipped in the fall. Plants designated with a sku ending in -4, -6 or -8 will arrive in a standard 4 inch, 6 inch or 8 inch round growers pot respectively. Our new, reusable, recyclable deep pots are 7 inches deep and 2×2 inches in width. Products growing in these pots are easy to transplant and allow for deeper roots and faster growth, they are designated with a sku ending in -7. (Note: The item sku number can be found just below the buy button.) The color and style of these pots may vary. If we are out of a particular size item, we may ship a larger size at no additional charge. You can see the various pot sizes and actual plants ready to ship below.

4″ Round pot
Monstera Deliciosa

4″ Round pot
Monstera Deliciosa

6″ Round pot
Anthurium Superbum

6″ Round pot
Anthurium Superbum

8″ Round pot
Warscewiczii Aurea

8″ Round pot
Warscewiczii Aurea

8″ Deep pot (t3)
Florida Variegated

8″ Deep pot (t3)
Florida Variegated

Philodendron 6″
Squamiferum Red

Philodendron 6″
Squamiferum Red

Philodendron 6″
Erubescens Red

Philodendron 6″
Erubescens Red

Philodendron 6″
Giganteum Variegata

Philodendron 6″
Giganteum Variegata

Philodendron 6″
Hastatum Silvery

Philodendron 6″
Hastatum Silvery

Phil in 2x2x7″
Painted Lady

Phil in 2x2x7″
Pink Princess

Phil in 2x2x7″
White Knight

Phil in 2x2x7″
Strawberry Shake

Epiprem. 2x2x7″
Skeleton Key

Phil in 2x2x7″
Warscewiczii Aurea

Phil in 2x2x7″
Jungle Selloum

Monstera 2x2x7″
Here at the nursery, plants are grown under 40-80% shade cloth. If you plant directly in full sun you may experience leaf burn. It is best to acclimate this plant to its environment by keeping it outside and slowly moving it into a sunny area over a week or so to avoid stress though most vining tropicals do require at least partial shade. Please note: Plants growing here in our conservatory are grown in a natural, humid, rainforest-like environment with little to no pesticides. Though it seldom occurs, leaves may have spotting, folds, or even a bite mark or two. This is only natural.